Post care is CRITICAL for best results, whether it’s a tint or a tattoo removal session! Please follow all of our instructions as best as you can, and reach out with any questions
or concerns!

  • Proper aftercare is an important part of the laser tattoo removal process and is entirely under your control. To ensure optimal tattoo removal results, please read this carefully and follow the instructions closely.

    In general, for at least a week after each treatment you must keep your tattoo: clean (to prevent infection); cool (ice it, 15 minutes on, 45 minutes off etc; Alocane); and protected from sun exposure (to prevent pigmentary issues - use physical sunscreen at all sun exposed times of at least 30 SPF if you can't cover it with clothes).

    Our expert laser technicians are trained to observe the appropriate clinical response on your skin during your treatment. It is important to note that what you experience after your treatment has no bearing whatsoever on the effectiveness of the treatment you received. A key benefit of our advanced laser technology is that it greatly reduces the incidence of unwanted side effects on your skin post treatment.

    Every client, every tattoo, and even every treatment is completely unique. Sometimes you might experience essentially no noticeable effect on your skin post treatment: this is a normal response. Other times you might experience swelling, bruising, blistering, pinpoint bleeding, etc. on your skin post treatment: this is a normal response too.

    The fading of ink post treatment occurs very slowly during the weeks between your treatments. If your tattoo was heavily applied it might take several treatment before you are able to visually notice significant fading of ink.

    Immediately post treatment your tattoo was coated with Alocane and then sent home with an ice pack. If possible, for the first day try to keep treatment area elevated, ice the site and apply Alocane when needed (not to exceed 4 applications in a day). 

    In the shower, gently clean your tattoo with a mild soap and cool water and then gently rinse (never scrub your tattoo). After the shower, gently pat your tattoo dry with a clean towel, gently apply Alocane. Follow this protocol for at least three days.

    In order to minimize swelling, blistering, and discomfort: apply cold compresses as needed; rest and elevate the part of your body that was treated; drink a lot of water; take common household analgesics such as ibuprofen as needed (do not take aspirin).

    Blistering is common, especially after later-stage treatments and also after treatments targeting certain colors of ink. Blisters heal very well and are part of the normal healing process, so do not be alarmed. Small blisters tend to be reabsorbed by the body seamlessly, while larger blisters tend to “pop” within a few days. It is important to keep blisters extremely clean. Please contact us with any questions regarding blisters.

    Itchy skin on the tattoo is common, and in most cases is relieved by Alocane. If itchy skin persists, you may also use an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream as needed (AFTER skin has healed).

    Avoid immersing your tattoo in water (e.g. baths, hot tubs, pools, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc) until the skin is healed.Avoid any activity that will increase your internal body temperature for at least 72 hours, e.g. exercise, hot showers, etc.

    Do not pick at any scabs, crusts, or blisters, or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving over the tattoo should also be avoided until the skin is completely healed.

    Avoid exposing your tattoo to the sun as much as possible throughout the entire tattoo removal process. Thoroughly protect against sun exposure by covering your tattoo with a dressing, clothing, or PHYSICAL SPF 30 and above sunscreen.

    Contact your doctor for further instructions in case of the following: you experience unusual discomfort or bleeding; you develop a rash near your tattoo or elsewhere on your body; you suspect that your tattoo is infected (symptoms include honey-colored discharge, spreading redness, and severe tenderness).

    Of course if you have any extreme reaction, please call 911 immediately or proceed directly to your local hospital.

    We are here to help, so please contact us if you have any questions!

  • A certain degree of discomfort, redness, and/or irritation during and after treatment is expected. If any discomfort or irritation persists more than 24-hours, please notify your provider.

    Tiny scabs (of less than 1 mm in diameter) may form 24-72 hours post treatment and may remain for several days. The scabs should not be touched or scratched (even if they itch) and should be allowed to shed naturally.

    During the first two (2) days following treatment, care should be taken to prevent trauma to the treated site: avoid hot baths, massage, irritating skin care products or exfoliants, etc. The skin should be kept clean to avoid contamination or infection; any mechanical or thermal damage to the area must be avoided.

    It is important to keep your skin moisturized after the treatment

    You may have mild swelling for 1-3 days after your treatment. Patients may apply an icepack (NOT direct ice) to the irritated area for 1-2 days in approximately 15- minute sessions 3-4 times per day.

    Redness for 1-3 days is common. After 12-hours post procedure, the patient may apply a hydrocortisone cream 3-4 times per day to reduce redness.

    Makeup can be applied 24 hours after treatment. We recommend using mineral foundation over cream based formulas. It is important to apply it with clean hands and/or clean brushes.

    Use a gentle cleanser and tepid water to cleanse the face and gently dry the treated skin for 24 hours after treatment. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

    Do not do any strenuous activity or exercise for 24 hours as sweating can cause extreme irritation and may cause adverse reactions.

    Avoid from using any deep exfoliation such as scrubs, Retinols, Retin-A®, Alpha or Beta Hydroxy acids, or anything perceived as ‘active’ skin care for at least one week post treatment.

    You may resume your normal skin care regimen as long as the skin has completely healed. If you are experiencing residual irritation, swelling, blistering or redness please contact the clinic immediately.

    Avoid prolonged sun exposure or use of tanning bed for at least two weeks after the treatment, as the skin that was treated will be more sensitive to the sun after your Sublative treatment.

    Use a minimum of SPF 30 (we recommend a physical SPF) daily to protect your skin after your treatment.

  • Redness & Bumps are normal.

    It is normal to experience redness and bumps immediately after your treatment. These effects can last up to 2 hours or longer, and the treated area may feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You can use a cold compress to alleviate sensitivity, and if there's any crusting, apply an antibiotic cream. Please note that individuals with darker pigmented skin may experience more discomfort and it might persist longer.

    Cleanse the area treated gently.

    When cleansing the treated area, be gentle and use a mild soap. Pat the skin dry instead of rubbing it during the first 48 hours.

    No makeup & lotion/moisturizer/deodorant for the first 24 hours.

    For the first 24 hours following the treatment, avoid using makeup, lotion, moisturizer, or deodorant. Keep the treated area clean and dry. If redness or irritation persists, refrain from using makeup and moisturizer until the irritation subsides.

    Dead hairs will begin to shed 5-30 days after your treatment.

    Around 5-30 days after the treatment, you may notice dead hairs starting to shed. This can be seen as stubble, but it's a natural part of the hair removal process as the dead hair is pushed out of the follicles. You can speed up this shedding process by exfoliating with a washcloth or a specialized exfoliating cloth.

    Avoid the sun.

    Remember to avoid sun exposure for at least 2 months to reduce the risk of developing dark or light spots. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher during the treatment period and for 1-2 months afterward.

    Do not pick/scratch/wax/thread/tweeze the area.

    While the treatment progresses, refrain from picking, scratching, waxing, threading, or tweezing the treated area. Only shaving is allowed to achieve the best results.

    Hair growth varies.

    Please understand that hair growth can vary among individuals. On average, most people experience a significant reduction in hair growth after 6-9 sessions, leading to a level of hairless happiness that may be life-changing.

    Follow these post-treatment guidelines to ensure the best possible outcome from your laser hair removal sessions.

  • After the treatment, the affected area will exhibit redness, swelling, and tenderness. Typically, the swelling and pain should subside within 1-4 days, while any observed oozing may continue for about 2-4 days.

    Why might I experience oozing?

    Inflammation: After a procedure, the treated area may become inflamed as the body's natural response to the trauma. Inflammation can lead to the release of fluids, including plasma and white blood cells, which can result in oozing.

    Wound Healing: Oozing can occur as part of the wound healing process. When the skin is damaged, the body initiates a series of steps to repair the tissue. Oozing helps keep the wound clean and provides a moist environment that aids in healing.

    The redness could persist for a couple of weeks since the treated area is delicate, requiring proper care for optimal results. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

    To ensure proper healing, it is crucial to maintain the skin's moisture at all times. Avoid picking off any crusting that may occur. Instead, soak the crusts thoroughly and gently rub them off with a moist gauze pad, as explained below.

    Days 1-3: During this phase, keeping the skin consistently covered with Aquaphor ointment is vital. You can shower but avoid using soap on your face. After the shower, pat your face dry and reapply Aquaphor. Before bedtime, apply Aquaphor liberally after soaking your face. Sleep on your back with your head elevated and use towels on either side of your face to prevent rolling over.

    Days 1-2: Clean with cool tap water and pat dry. Do not use any type of cleaner. Moisturize the skin with a combination of Aquaphor and cool water, either by gentle spraying or with a damp cool compress. Only use the suggested products during these days, avoiding "active ingredient" products. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals.

    Days 3-6: The redness and blotchy appearance will start to subside in the severely damaged areas. Although the skin may appear fine, remember that you are still healing and must follow the treatment regime. You may use a gentle cleanser if needed, avoiding rubbing the skin and rinsing thoroughly with cool or lukewarm water. Continue to keep the skin moist with water and Aquaphor.

    Days 7-10: At this stage, your skin is in the final stages of healing, and it may feel "crusty." Be careful to avoid damaging the new skin that is less than a week old. Use a gentle cleanser and replace the Aquaphor with a gentle moisturizer/sunblock during the day, while continuing to apply Aquaphor at night. Keep the skin moist with water and moisturizer, and you may use a light exfoliant or porous gauze for a smoother surface.

    Potential side effects to watch for include pink or red appearance (normal during healing), new visible blood vessels, itching, tightness, rash-prone skin, temporary acne or cysts, and possible changes in skin color. You may start wearing makeup 5 to 7 days after the procedure with gentle removal using a mild cleansing lotion.

    Important Points:

    Follow the regimen diligently in the first week for optimal results and attend follow-up appointments.

    Take Tylenol (acetaminophen) if you experience pain, discomfort, or stinging within the first three days, avoiding aspirin and ibuprofen.

    Expect swelling, especially around the eyes, in the first 24-48 hours. Keep your head upright or elevated with pillows and avoid heavy lifting or bending for two weeks.

    Contact your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms or signs of infection.

    Avoid swimming, hot tubs, and strenuous exercise until fully healed (usually 7 days).

    Only use recommended products during the healing phase. Wash your face with water only, avoiding facial cleansers, toners, or soap, unless instructed otherwise.

    Avoid direct sun exposure after the procedure. Wear sunscreen daily for at least three months, if not longer, and consider staying indoors during peak daylight hours.

    Temporary outbreaks of pimples or superficial cysts may occur due to ointment clogging pores.

    For itching, use cool compresses or over-the-counter Benadryl at bedtime if needed.

    Remember, adhering to these guidelines will contribute to a successful healing process and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Sun Exposure: Direct sun exposure should be avoided for a few days after the treatment. The skin may be more sensitive to sunlight, and exposure can increase the risk of complications such as hyperpigmentation. If you need to be outside, wear protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

    Heat and Excessive Sweating: Avoid activities that generate excessive heat or make you sweat profusely for a few days after the treatment. This includes intense exercise, saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, and hot showers. Heat and sweating can potentially irritate the treated skin.

    Harsh Skincare Products: Refrain from using harsh skincare products, such as retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), or exfoliants, for several days or as advised by your provider. These products can be too harsh for the treated skin and may cause irritation or compromise the healing process.

    Scrubbing or Picking: Avoid scrubbing, scratching, or picking at the treated area. Let your skin heal naturally, as excessive manipulation can disrupt the healing process and potentially lead to scarring or complications.

    Makeup and Cosmetics: Depending on your provider's instructions, you may be advised to avoid applying makeup or other cosmetics immediately after the treatment. It's important to follow their specific guidelines to allow your skin to breathe and recover.

    Additional Treatments: Give your skin time to heal and recover before undergoing additional treatments or procedures. Consult with your provider regarding the recommended time frame for any subsequent treatments or procedures you may be considering.

  • Immediately after your treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This is normal and will subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally diminish within the same day or 24 hours. 

    You may see slight redness after 24 hours but only in minimal areas or spots. Your provider will discuss post-procedure skincare following the treatment to help soothe, calm, and protect the skin.

    Normal skincare can be resumed again after day 3. Please adhere to the below instructions to ensure the best result and least amount of complications following the procedure

    Use a gentle cleanser and tepid water to cleanse the face for the following 72 hours. Gently dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

    Keep the face moist with a gentle facial moisturizer for the next 3-5 days.

    Apply a facial sun screen (after 4 hours after procedure) daily (broad spectrum UVA/UVB) and use rigorous sun protection for the next 7 days.

    Avoid the use of makeup for the first 24 hours following treatment.

    Avoid the use of products containing Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare

    Avoid perspiration or intense heat for 24 hours

  • Use a gentle cleanser and apply moisturizer at least twice daily for a minimum of 7 days post treatment. 

    Avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of 3 days post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply SPF 30 or greater, reapply often, wear a wide brimmed hat, and seek shade when possible. Be careful of sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily.

    Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e. heavy workouts, steam rooms or saunas, etc.

    Avoid chlorine for 24 hours.

    Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.

    Avoid Dermal Fillers or Botox for 2 weeks.

    Do not pick, scratch, or aggressively rub the treated area.

    No scrubs, polishers, or aggressive brushes should be used for 7 to 14 days.

    Do apply serums as absorption levels will be elevated

    You may experience slight peeling for the first few days. Slight windburn sensation and/or blotchiness are normal for the first few days. Skin care products may tingle or slightly burn for the first 2 days.

    For best results, Dermaplaning treatments are recommended every 3‐5 weeks.

  • Your treatment was finished with products that are safe to be left on your skin for the evening. You may start your Post Treatment Kit the morning of Day 2. It is crucial to the health of your skin and the success of your peel that these guidelines be followed for the next 5-7 days:

    Do not do anything that will cause your body to become heated or to perspire. This may lead to inflammation and/or breakout. Exercise, sauna, hot tubs, ect.

    Always use lukewarm water on your face and do not scrub. Avoid chlorine.

    You may or may not experience some light flaking and you will notice this between days 3-5. The amount of visual flaking is not indicative of your end results. If heavier shedding is present depending on the peel that was performed, do not under any circumstances pick or manually peel this skin, you can risk post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. If it becomes bothersome you may choose to use small nail scissors to gently remove without pulling.

    You must take precautions to avoid sun exposure in order to protect your skin as well as to get the full benefit of the peel. Peels increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun and particularly the possibility of sunburn. Exposure to UV rays can cause hyper pigmentation, freckling and sun damage. We recommend that you stay indoors as much as possible and a use a SPF 30-50 daily.

    We suggest if you choose to apply makeup after your peel you use mineral based makeup.

    Do not use any glycolic, retinol, or Retin-A for 5-7 days or until your skin is back to normal. This is the reason you are supplied the Post Treatment Kit providing the proper at home care post peel. You can resume your regular at home regimen after 5-7 days. This time may vary depending on the peel performed and each individuals healing process.

    For people with facial hair, do not shave for at least 48 hours after peel.

    To avoid injury to the skin, for the 10 days following the peel, please do not:

    peel, pick, scrape or abrade the skin; have an electrolysis or laser treatment; use tanning beds or sunbathe; perform certain hair services using chemicals, facial wax, thread or use depilatory products; receive injectables; have another treatment until your Esthetician advises you to do so.

    Slight redness or swelling might occur immediately after the peel. This usually goes away within 24 hours. Some clients experience temporary skin discoloration. You may have an area of scabbing or crusting in cases of severe sensitivity, this is very rare. If it is bothersome you may apply Aquafor to the affected area. (Found at your local drugstore)

    For best results, a series of 6-8 peels every 2-4 weeks is suggested. Using the correct at home care regimen to keep the results and corrections on going is also suggested. Your esthetician will help you decide which program works best for you, as they vary based on skin conditions.

  • Clients can resume normal activities immediately after their session.

    A sensation like sunburn is often observed, if clients feel particularly aware of the treatment area over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen can be taken.

    A carbon crust will appear at the site of the Skin Tag Removal, do not pick, peel or pull at carbon crust.

    You can shower 48 hours after the removal or Cleanse the area twice daily with mild soap and lukewarm sterile water to avoid build-up of bacteria. Do not use alcohol-based cleansers or apply lotions/salves as this can slow healing.

    The area treated must be kept free of all makeup, mascaras, creams and lotions other than recommended aftercare products until the crust has fallen off and the skin has healed (approx. 48-72 hours).

    There may be swelling for one to five days after treatment – recovery times are generally shorter than this. This is a normal reaction, and part of the initial stages of the skin healing & rebuilding. Typically swelling is at its worst on day 3 and will have subsided by day 5.

    There may be occasional weeping; this is normal and part of the healing response.

  • Direct sun exposure and tanning bed use is strictly prohibited. Sun protection of at least SPF 30 must be used at all times even when it is overcast or raining.

    Use a good moisturizer such as Epionce Renewal Lotion 3x a day for 4-6 days afterwards to avoid excessive dry skin.

    Use of saunas and any heat treatments are not recommended for a period of at least 2 weeks after the procedure.

    It is advised to use mineral make up but it is best to be avoided for 24hrs after treatment.

    Avoid exfoliation products, glycolic acid and AHA based products for 48 hours either side of treatment.

    Avoid waxing and threading for 7 days.

    Avoid laser hair removal or any light laser and light based treatments for a minimum of 2 weeks after.

    Sun beds – It is strongly recommended that you refrain from these during the course of treatment and for TWO WEEKS after your final treatment.

    For 24 hours after treatment, your skin can feel slightly tight and look pink

    Some dryness and very slight peeling can occur post-treatment.

  • Avoid makeup for the first day. Avoid physical/chemical exfoliation for a few days. This is especially true if your facial included deep exfoliation.

    Know that redness is normal, but do reach out if it seems excessive or lasts several days.

    Drink plenty of water. This will help keep your skin refreshed and hydrated.

    Stay out of the sun if you can. The new skin cells exposed by your facial are sensitive. Give them a few days out of the sun and, if you have to go out, use a SPF 30 or higher broad spectrum sunscreen.

    Use gentle products for the first 3-5 days after your facial.

    Keep up a healthy skin care routine. Just as you’d take extra special care of your teeth after a dental cleaning, take extra special care with your skin after a facial. A good routine can help the effects of a facial last longer.

  • Immediately after treatment, keep antibiotic ointment or silver gel on treatment area. Mild to moderate, progressing erythema is an expected post treatment clinical endpoint.

    Keep area moist with Aftercare #1. Use it for first 24h after treatment. Gently spray area 3-4 times a day. Spray on cotton pad and tap over treated area. DO NOT scrub the treated area. Solution can be used during the entire healing process.

    Apply Aftercare #2 on the skin once to twice a day until the redness and irritation goes away (2-3 weeks) Do not use after expiration date.

    Apply Aftercare #3 on the skin once to twice daily in a thin layer (from day 3 till the healing process is over)

    Do not apply any skincare or makeup for 3 days. Avoid sun exposure.

    Day 3 and on, SPF 50 is critical. Use growth factor serums, antioxidants and stem cells to induce more rapid healing.

    No exercise or heavy sweating for five days post treatment. Sweat contains bacteria which can cause an infection.

    No hot tubs or chlorinated pools.

    No neuromodulators or fillers for three weeks

    No harsh skincare for three weeks (glycolic, salicylic, etc)

    To reduce swelling following a Plasma Pen treatment:

    Apply an ice pack covered with a clean cloth to the swollen area. Do not apply ice directly onto the skin.

    Sleep on your back during the recovery period with your head elevated to reduce swelling.

    Stage 1 of fibroblast healing is when scab dots are on the treatment area. Face dots shed approximately 4 - 14 days following treatment (average client begins to shed dots on day 7). Dots on the body often take longer than the face, potentially around 2-3 weeks.

    Day 1: Try to lay propped up with pillows. Some discomfort is normal. Swelling (if present) will likely be worse in the mornings and lessen towards the evening. It will feel like a bad sunburn.

    Day 2: Swelling typically peaks today. Still feeling like a sunburn. This too shall pass.

    Day 3: You may notice an improvement in the swelling and the “dots” will start to crust/scab over. Allow scabs to fall off on their own. Discomfort will have subsided a bit.

    Day 4: Discomfort should continue to diminish.

    Day 5: Scabs may still be present.

    Days 6 - 14: Wait patiently for the remaining scabs to fall off on their own. It is normal for the new skin under the scabs to be pink or red.

    Stage 2 of Healing

    Weeks 2 - 8: After scabs fall off, you may have tender, peeling or textured skin for a few days or weeks. Once tenderness subsides, book a facial where we will do a gentle enzyme treatment to help slough off the flaky skin. After scabs fall off, you may also use healing serums, lotions and make up. Each day, your skin will progressively return to its’ original coloration and texture. Depending on laxity and desired results, you may have multiple treatments on the same area. Areas may be treated every 3 months to let the collagen heal and turn over.

  • No heat, steam (including cooking over steaming stovetop), saunas, water, oils, lotions, creams, shampoos, face washes, makeup remover wipes or pads on lashes for minimum 24 hours.

    Only approved product to put on immediately after a lift that will not cause your Elleebana Lash lift to fall is the Elleevate mascara.

    Avoid waterproof mascara.

    Because the lashes are still malleable (shape shifting) a side sleeper or face sleeper can notice one or both eyes can raise or drop, leaving the lashes misshaped. Sleeping on the back is best, especially for the first 24 hours.

    Avoid face washes that are mainly oil as this can also cause lashes to drop prematurely.

    If you apply the Elleevate mascara make sure that you remove it with cold water, within the 24 hour period.


  • Day 1 (Day of Initial treatment)

    1. Gently rinse the dermamelan® cream mask from skin using tepid water and pat dry skin with a clean face towel.

    2. Dispense a generous amount of mesoestetic® melan recovery and massage on skin until fully absorbed.

    3. Finalize by applying a nickel size amount of mesoestetic® melan 130+ pigment control mesoestetic® onto hands and apply on entire face until fully absorbed (during the day).

    Day 2

    1. Cleanse the skin with gentle cleanser, using circular motions and remove with lukewarm water, pat dry with clean towel.

    2. Dispense a generous amount of mesoestetic® melan recovery and massage on skin until fully absorbed.

    3. Finalize by applying a nickel sized amount of mesoestetic® melan 130+ pigment control mesoestetic® onto hands and apply on entire face until fully absorbed (during the day).

    Day 3 (48 hours after initial treatment)

    1. Cleanse the skin with gentle cleanser using circular motions and remove with lukewarm water (Morning, Noon, & Night).

    2. Gently apply a pea sized amount of mesoestetic® dermamelan® Cosmelan 2 treatment on entire face (Morning, Noon, & Night). Dab onto face and then spread onto face to apply. Let dry for 5-15 minutes

    3. Dispense a generous amount of mesoestetic® melan recovery on entire face and massage until fully absorbed (Morning, Noon, & Night).

    4. Finalize by applying a nickel sized amount of mesoestetic® melan 130+ pigment control mesoestetic® onto fingertips and apply on entire face until fully absorbed (AM & Mid-day).

    Day 30-60

    1. Cleanse the skin with gentle cleanser using circular motions and remove with lukewarm water (Morning, Noon, & Night).

    2. Gently apply a pea sized amount of mesoestetic® dermamelan® Cosmelan 2 treatment on entire face (AM & PM). Dab onto face and then spread onto face to apply. Let dry for 5-15 minutes

    3. Dispense a generous amount of mesoestetic® melan recovery on entire face and massage until fully absorbed (Morning, Noon, & Night).

    4. Finalize by applying a nickel sized amount of mesoestetic® melan 130+ pigment control mesoestetic® onto fingertips and apply on entire face until fully absorbed (AM & Mid-day).

    You will need to return to the clinic between 6-8 weeks to purchase a new Cosmelan 2 jar ($340)

    Day 60+

    1. Cleanse the skin with gentle cleanser using circular motions and remove with lukewarm water (AM & PM).

    2. Gently apply a pea sized amount of mesoestetic® dermamelan® Cosmelan 2 treatment on entire face (PM). Dab onto face and then spread onto face to apply. Let dry for 5-15 minutes

    3. Dispense a generous amount of mesoestetic® melan recovery on entire face and massage until fully absorbed (PM & as needed).

    4. Finalize by applying a nickel sized amount of mesoestetic® melan 130+ pigment control mesoestetic® onto fingertips and apply on entire face until fully absorbed (AM & Mid-day).

    We recommend a consistent and effective use of melan recovery and melan 130 pigment control when following the cosmelan method. Not using sun protection reduces or eliminates it's effectiveness.

  • Keep brows dry for 48 hours, then gently cleanse brows during normal face wash then apply castor oil in an upward direction. Repeat application of castor oil am/pm everyday. It's best to nourish/style when brows are wet.

    Avoid touching brows (especially the first 48 hours!)

    No Retinol, AHA or other exfoliants around area for 72 hours

    No swimming/sauna/exercise for 48 hours

    No makeup on brows for 48 hours

    Avoid sleeping on your face for 24 hours

    Use conditioner weekly

    Avoid direct sunlight or heat

    No self tanning for 48 hours

    Use a spoolie to style your brows daily. Brow gel, brow pencil/powder will elevate the hold & the bold!

    Book a maintenance appointment in 4 weeks.

    Book your next lamination in 8 weeks!

  • Do not touch or rub your eyes, eyelashes, or eyebrows immediately after the treatment.

    If redness or irritation occurs, apply a cool damp cotton compress to the eye area. If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours seek medical advice.

    The effects of the tint will start to diminish within 2 to 3 weeks as hair grows out and the tint color fades. Strong sunlight/UV light can make the tint color fade faster.

    Avoid washing your hair, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, or swimming for 24 hours, as these activities can cause the tint results to fade. Also avoid exfoliating facial cleansers. Those containing AHA’s or other chemical exfoliates may decrease the life of your tint. A gentle facial cleanser or eye makeup remover is recommended.

    Do not apply makeup or mascara to lashes or receive any other eye treatments for at least 24 hours after the lash or brow tinting treatment.

    Try to use oil-free facial products around the eye area to prolong the tint color.

    You can receive the lash or brow tinting treatment every 3 to 4 weeks.

    If you have any questions about your post-care, contact us!